Monday, October 28, 2013

PR Video Case Study The Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida

Organization's Logo
 The Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida is the largest provider of homelessness services in central Florida. The Coalition for the Homeless video used copy, images, and music to raise awareness for homelessness. The copy allows viewers to read these words of wisdom, while grabbing the viewers attention directly at the beginning of the video. The lyrics of the music are very simply and provide viewers with the importance of the meaning of love. The video is geared for viewers who are not experiencing homelessness with the intention to provide them with knowledge of homelessness and the effort to raise a response or action, such as involvement. The public service announcement wants those who are fortunate enough to have a home recognize what others go through each day, especially those with a family. The Coalition for the Homeless is geared to helped families experiencing homelessness. The specific concentration for the video is explaining those who are homeless are not only people who people see on the streets. The video demonstrates that men, women, children, and families are able to experience homelessness. The video is the correct approach for the message the organization is trying to give off. All aspects of the video, copy, images, music, share the overall meaning and reasoning of the organization to viewers. The public service announcement wants viewers to recognize a little bit of love from others can go a long way. The Coalition for the Homeless recognizes the people in need and offers guidance to those who have lost their way. The video is made for viewers to find awareness in the thought of homelessness and recognize the amount of positivity and happiness homeless people display each and everyday. 
Organization's Logo
The second video I chose explained the nonprofit organization for people of homelessness called We Feed the Homeless Philly. The video begins with the CEO, Craig Stroman, explaining what his organization does. The video contains a specific beat of music in the background which can still be heard while Craig is speaking. This beat grabs the viewers attention and helps the content of message be portrayed smoothly and correctly.  We Feed the Homeless Philly travels to an area, which is pictured in the video, where many people live on the streets in Philadelphia and provide food and clothes to those in need. Craig began his organization by first recognizing the problem of homelessness and knowing that he has the power to create change within this problem. The moment when he first saw a homeless family suffer in a large snow storm was the moment he needed and decided to act on the problem. The video uses the website as another way for viewers to gain awareness of this problem and what they can do to help. The website provides others with information about the organization, specific dates they give out food, and announces upcoming events.  An aspect of the video that was very touching for me as a viewer was when a man experiencing homelessness spoke. This showed how the problem of homelessness is common and can happen to anyone. The homeless man who spoke made me realize the problem is real and people should recognize their duty in life to help those who are less fortunate.The organization is looking for donations from others to feed as many people as possible.  The variety of video clips, images of both homeless people and of the map, and hearing both people apart of the organization and people who are benefiting from the organization create a very informational video that is beneficial to all viewers. 
Both videos are very informational for viewers. 
The video for the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida is very emotional and brings the viewers to a state of sadness. By viewing the video, I felt I needed to take action toward the situation immediately and create change. The video provided information on the organization and reasons for their existence. The video about We Feed the Homeless Philly explains what homelessness is and how all humans need to act on the situation. It provides viewers with information about the organization and what they can do to help. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Social Media Strategy Case Study

Patagonia, an outdoor clothing company line, is well known throughout the world. Starting as a small company that produced tools only for climbers has grown to create apparel for skiing, snowboarding, surfing, fly fishing, paddling, and running. The way Patagonia portrays themselves through social media is well thought out and very beneficial to both their company and the environment. I was able to focus on Patagonia's social media through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. All of these forms of social media are updated many times throughout the day. On the website, I was able to find the mission statement which I thought was very interesting: build the best product, cause no unnecessary hard, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis. The clothing line that Patagonia has created is geared toward the outdoors for the use of silent sports. Each sport focuses on moments of connection between us and nature through the reward of hard won grace. Patagonia has a strong love for nature and a fight to save the environment, which is not only expressed in their products, but also through social media.

Patagonia's Facebook page has over two hundred ninety thousand likes, with more than fifteen thousand people talking about it. Patagonia posts photos on their site daily. The photos and videos that are being displayed involve travel and adventure to exotic places around the world. Patagonia's Twitter account is very similar to its Facebook. They tweet photos, videos, links, and articles that are connected to nature and ways to better our Earth. Patagonia's Instagram page uploads photos, different from both their Twitter and Facebook accounts, and the beauties of nature and one's love for the outdoors. 
Since Patagonia has a such a strong love for wild and beautiful, they have a strong fight to save our planet. The clothing made by the company is directed toward people who are active and enjoy being one with the environment. After examining the ways Patagonia posts on their social media platforms, I have come to a conclusion to how they make their brand known. Instead of showing the clothing made by the company, they place a spotlight on the active lifestyle and focus of the beauty of nature. The people who purchase the Patagonia brand, not only purchase a product, but purchase a lifestyle. To me the brand, is meant to be a lifestyle. I think the way Patagonia uses social media is excellent. Posts are made a couple times a day throughout all three forms of social media. I like how the brand does not directly advertise the products they sell. I feel the brand focus is on to better our environment, and the company feels their clothing is the best suitable for the environment.
Patagonia attracts many customers through the beautiful, adventure seeking photos they display all over their forms of social media. Many people prefer this way instead of being pushed to buy the product they make. I think it was very smart for Patagonia to advertise their brand and lifestyle to buyers this way. Not only are buyers intrigued by the images they see, they want the lifestyle of adventure. A buyer can take note of the priority nature and the environment has over the focus of the product they are trying to sell. By not mentioning any cost to Patagonia products, the company is made successful by its followers and the image they portray to them.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Web Site Strategy Case Study

The Jack Roger sandal is very popular among women of all ages. The sandal offers many varieties of  style and color. In addition to the sandal, Jack Rogers produces flats, wedges, iPhone cases and handbags. Although Jack Rogers does not have a store, the website is very user friendly and easy to navigate. The site allows people interested in their product to create an account by giving your email address and mailing information to receive special updates and offers. In addition, the website offers free shipping, which is always a plus. The layout immediately draws buyers in. The website has a search menu which is very helpful because you can just type in a product and it will search and find it instead of the user having to navigate all through the website. In addition, the website displays icons which link to Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. The website has many links, which bring the user to exactly what they want to view. The main page of the website allows the buyer to visualize their products through the different pictures that are displayed.
Shoe Options
The website is mainly broken down into new arrivals, shoes, handbags, and the world of Jack Rogers. Both shoes and the world of Jack Rogers display a drop down menu available when the user places his or her mouse over the word. Organized under shoes is sandals, wedges, flats and girls' shoes. The website allows you to click on any of those and brings you to that specific page. Under the world of Jack Rogers link, is Jack Rogers everywhere, what inspires Jack Rogers, lovemyjacks blog, our history, and about us.

Choices,  choices,  choices
This site appeals to women. It offers both women's shoes and handbags. It is easy to select a style of sandal, and it will give you option in color choice. Also, if you move the mouse over the shoe, it zooms in and allows to view the product closer and pay attention to specific details. When you are interested in the product, it gives you a choice to add it to the cart or wish list. If added to the wish list, the site can email the intended buyer and note that you expressed interest in a shoe. Adding an item to the cart is an easy way to check out and pay for an item. Another cool feature of this site, is that it allows a viewer to monogram a sandal. You simply click on the monogram shop link, select a sandal, choice of color,  sandal size, and type in your initials in the space they provide. 

Site Map
The site map helps to break down the information displayed on the Jack Rogers site. It helps viewers navigate their way around the site. The colors and shapes help to break up the information into user friendly categories. Overall, I believe this site is extremely successful. The different categories and links in the site make it easy for viewers to understand. Jack Rogers not only explains his products, but also illustrates what inspires him and the history behind the company. The site overall is very informative to viewers.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

BurgerFi: A Unique Experience

BurgerFi Logo
Made from fresh, never frozen, all natural, grass fed beef, the burgers at BurgerFi are both unique and delicious.  For those who are vegetarian, BurgerFi offers a mouth watering, unique quinoa burger with an option of having it on lettuce or a whole wheat bun. BurgerFi is a fastest growing franchise in the country started by Mr. John Rosatti.  Having only opened the first store a few years ago, BurgerFi now has more than fifty worldwide locations and two-hundred stores sold. BurgerFi is very environmentally sustainable with many earth-friendly elements, including tables made out of compressed recycled wood, chairs made from recycled coke bottles, and large fans that use 66% less electricity than normal fans.

BurgerFi SmartCar
From a PR and marketing standpoint, BurgerFi is very well to do. The way BurgerFi uses advertisement really draws you in to their locations. Not only does BurgerFi attract customers through FacebookTwitter, and Instagram, but they also have a large semi truck that delivers SmartCar's to new stores that are opening. The BurgerFi burger is not complete without a branded bun. The bun helps signify the real BurgerFi burger. Just recently BurgerFi partnered with the Suncoast High School Culinary Club and Autism Speaks to put on the Make a Burger, Make a Friend event. The purpose of this event was to create compassion and a connection among teens and teens with Autism. This experience has encouraged teens to reach out to others who are different than them. BurgerFi cares about the well-being of others.
Branded, BurgerFi Burger
In addition to charity events, BurgerFi welcomed back all Rollins students by giving them a coupon for a free frozen custard to start off the new year. Also, if you tag BurgerFi in an instagram at one of their many locations, they will give you a free frozen custard. BurgerFi has recently created iPhone cases and wristbands, which I always see being given away. As mentioned before, BurgerFi has many locations. The location of the BurgerFi on Park Avenue was chosen very well. Located on the corner of Park Ave. and Fairbanks, it can be seen from all directions and is very accessible by cars. bikes, and pedestrians. The logo on the outside of the store really draws you in. Not to mention, the bright lime green and grey outdoor seating they offer. Once you walk into the restaurant, you are blown away by the menus. They are presented on large flat screen televisions. The menu continues to be written in the bright lime green and grey font with flows very well throughout the entire restaurant.
All food and beverages on the BurgerFi menu are delicious. The price of a BurgerFi burger is a steal for which the quality it is. An average price of a burger and veggie burger ranges from six to seven dollars. For those that do not like burgers they have hot dogs, which go great with the fires or colossal onion rings. The price of hot dogs and onion rings are about four dollars and french fries are around three. Not to mention the concrete, which everyone raves about is five dollars. The menu also includes alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer. The overall BurgerFi experience is great! From the decor to the food, BurgerFi is a must.

Vibrant outdoor seating

Thursday, September 5, 2013

3 Business Cards

I really enjoyed this card because the bobby pins create texture which enables the hair to stand out. I think having all the information on one side catches your attention and helps you concentrate on the cards message. 

This business card's message is simple and to the point. I like the clear plastic because it shows how durable it is. The two colors and large bold font attract the eye. 

This card's text is on an angle which makes it very unique. The design is very artsy. The symbols of the phone, mail, and house are very creative. The designs both in the background and on the back draw attention to the eye. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Personal Story

            After thinking about a brand and what I could use to describe myself, I have decided my brand is still incomplete. My brand is something that is both growing and changing everyday. I believe my brand is made up of my views of life, my interests, and my family. If someone were to have a first impression of me I have been told I am shy.  Also, people have told me I appear bitchy.  Little do they know I am only shy when I first get to know some one. Once I feel comfortable with someone I am my normal, silly self. To me, my normal self is outgoing, compassionate, and high-spirited. I would like to portray myself to others as someone who is outgoing, trustworthy, and loving. Someone who is looking to live each moment in life to the fullest. Someone who does not put up with bullshit from others.  Someone who enjoys the company of others and making people laugh.  I am happy when other people are happy. I want others to feel how lucky I am to have the life I am living each and everyday. I am so thankful for the life that I have been given. 
Little cousin, Brain, in search for the Golden Egg
            For you to know a little about me. I am from a large extended family in Winnetka, Illinois.  To me my family is the most important thing I have in my life. I am very fortunate to live so close to all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Growing up and going to both grade school and high school with my cousins was always very fun. Everyone was there to cheer me on in games, which was always very special. I always knew they were there because they sat and yelled in the same corner each and every game. I am thankful to be apart of the many traditions we share together. One tradition that means a lot to me and helps to explain my family the best is the Easter Egg Hunt at my cousins house in Palm Beach, Florida. Everyone is after all the money eggs, especially the golden egg. I have never won the golden egg, or will have any change of winning it due to my older, competitive male cousins.

Oldest of three
          As a young child, my brother and I have been very involved in sports. I began playing both soccer and basketball with the encouragement from my father. My father has devoted much of his time and energy to teach us the game, which allowed both of us to see his passion for both life and sports. The commitment and and involvement in sports have been a large part of my life.  Sports from a young age have taught me one of the most important lessons in life: organization of time. Being involved in both busy sports schedules and school has allowed me to recognize the amount of time it takes to be both a well-rounded student and athlete.  Even though I decided to not play a sport in college, I have found other ways to become involved. Joining a sorority was a great decision. I consider every girl in my sorority my sister. The love and support they give me helps to shape who I am. Knowing I can trust each of these girls and count on them for anything is very comforting to me. They are my team. They are my family. I am so fortunate to be apart of  Kappa Delta. This is my brand.
Birthday celebration in Palm Beach with my sisters!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Post

The Bean at Millenium Park

Hi! My name is Molly Wehman. I am a junior at Rollins College majoring in Communications. I am from Chicago, Illinois.